Revenge of the Desert Gods
W.Shawn Gray  completed 16/10/1993

A large proportion of the World's current surviving religions trace their faiths' first expression back to desert peoples. Judaism, Islam, Christianity all these faiths have stories of God's cataclysmic judgement on one or other group of people, that failed to grasp the Revelation of the Divine.

Today the loudest protagonist of these faiths all seem to want to codify their Gods via the restrictions they can inflict on their fellow humankind. Yet all these faiths say God desires humanities liberation, not restriction.

 Are not then the Fundamentalist calling down upon themselves the very same Divine cataclysmic judgement they seek so frantically to avoid?!

Aluminium & Bronze, bolts Stainless Steel.

Artwork by W.S.Gray (c) AuzGnosis P/L ,

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