# 4 years as CSO4 Business Systems Analyst [detailed in appendix 'E'].
# 3.3 years as CSO4 Expert System Officer [detailed in appendix 'E'].
# Technical consultant on
the CIS (Customer Information
System) pilot. A Multimedia,
touch screen, PC based
information kiosk.
# Staticial programming (SAS) of participant survey, and usage traces.
# MHS-net and Unix system administration of RTA, internet / email gateway.
Managing the Design, Building
& Implementation of the
ProFiSy expert system for
capital works ranking.
ProFiSy has been implemented on UNIX workstations and features-
* a user friendly Graphic User Interface ( Motif/X-Windows ),
* a fast 'C' based expert system inference engine.
* User access the system from PCs running X-Windows.
# A Year and a month as CSO2 Planning & Control Officer.
Building, Designing, Maintaining small Oracle DBs for Standards distribution.
Firstly assisting and then
leading R.T.A. Expert System
Proof of Concept Project.(that
became ProFiSy) General
research for the above.
The R.T.A. computing
environment is the largest
commercial Unix site in the
Southern Hemisphere with
approximately 5,000 user
connected to various Unix
mainframes (FUJITSU M780 &
M760) and Unix workstations
(Apollo DN3500 DN4500, HP7000,
Acer386 & Acer486).
utilizing various flavours of
Unix (UTMS, Sys5.3,
BSD4.3, SCO ODT1.1). The
authority access these
facilities from Dos PC(s) and a
few X-terminals.
work entailed the use of a
variety of Dos packages,
Mainframe applications and Unix
tools(vi, grep...) available
here. Such as :
Unix utilities (in BSD4.3, Sys5.3 & Apollo Domain 10.4)
X-windows & Motif utilities (xterm, xload, mwm etc.)
Oracle tools ( SQL database access and report writing tools)
Eshell/X ( FUJITSU Lisp based Backboarding Expert System Shell)
Nexpert ( Expert System Shell )
Word5 ( Microsoft's Dos Word Processor )
Timeline ( Project Management Software )
SAS ( Statistical Analysis System )
Five years in Computer Services
Branch of ABS in general
programming duties, involving
development writing, testing
and documenting for
camera-ready tables, graphs and
photocompositions for
publications and management
information systems.
Acting as a Class 4 in the USER
SUPPORT area, where I needed to
possess a high degree of
computing experience to allow
me to assist users to solve
their computing problems
ranging from simple editing
problems at a terminal to
debugging programs of various
languages and difficulty.
As a Class 4 then Acting CSO1
in the PROGRAMMING area,
maintaining and supporting
National Systems. (New Motor
Vehicles Registrations and
Award Rates of Pay Index).
Filled numerous adhoc requests
for other such things as
development of computer
generated logos & maps and
consultation on development of
Computer Graphic Publication
Standards in the office.
The A.B.S. computing
environment was a terminal
based system utilizing both
online and batch facilities
connected through a network to
a FUJITSU M382 in Canberra,
entailing my use of a large
number of computer packages and
utilities which were available
there. Such as :
SAS ( Statistical Analysis System )
SAS/GRAPH ( SAS Graphic extension )
TPL ( Table Producing Language )
JOL ( Job Organization Language )
TSS ( Time Sharing System )
PREDIT ( COBOL Command Pre-processor )
NATURAL ( 4GL for ADABAS Database )
My duties also involved work on
M24's using PCDOS & MSDOS
and OLIVETTI M28's running
VENTURA) and a MINI (a
TEKTRONIX 4170 using CPM/86
running FORTRAN IGL and BASIC).
5 months as Assistant Network
Controller responsible for
installation, maintenance, of
hardware in Sydney Office of
ABS. Installed a CT.Network , a
Bayan Lan, X25 Network, Telex
Controller, terminals &
printer . Supervision and
training of the three
Operations Staff.
Development of Barcode
generator written in PASCAL to
run on micros, sending a
POSTSCRIPT output-files to an
Apple Laserwriter.
ADP EXPERIENCEprior to joining the A.B.S
6 months on a PDP 11/GT40
developing heuristics programs
generating sculptural and film
designs. ( While studying
Computer Graphics.)
Experience presenting training course,
Delivered 28 A.D.P. training
courses (equivalent to 45 days)
as part of the ABS technical
training programmes . `Basic
Computer Concepts II'(P.F.D.)
& MICRO Introduction
courses put on by C.S.B. for a
number of years.
Experience designing and presenting of lectures
From 1984 to 1989 I was guest
lecturering at (N.S.W.I.T.)
U.T.S. designing then
presenting a course of
`Aesthetics for Computer
Graphics' to final year
computer science students.
First semester 89, I was a
Part-time lecturer at Penrith
T.A.F.E. successfully
presenting the `Advanced Basic